word@work Issue 1 | 2022: Bible Translation Changes Lives

“God has heard our prayer…”

Through your generous support, Christians in eastern Kenya celebrated an historic milestone. The Gospel of Luke in Mwimbi Muthambi was launched on July 1, 2021, during a ceremony attended by church leaders and community members from across the county.

“I am so happy because, after using English and Swahili Bibles for so long, God has heard our prayer,” said Pastor Patrick Micheni Mugo. “The old grandmothers who cannot understand the English Bible will be delighted to read the Bible in the language they speak. When I read the English Bible, there are some words that I do not understand, even when I consult a dictionary. This new Scripture will simplify my preaching.”

Woman's eyes

Dr. Barine Kirimi, who was the main speaker at the dedication, said, “I grew up in an environment where, at school, we read the Kimeru Bible, but in church, the Kikuyu Bible was used. And then at home, we spoke Mwimbi Muthambi. All this was confusing for a young mind. Getting to read the Bible in English, which is what I use now, made it much easier to understand. But even so, there are words and expressions that are difficult to find an equivalent for in my own language.

“But when I read Luke’s Gospel in Mwimbi Muthambi, it comes alive! The language feels so familiar and natural to me, with the same words and expressions that I use when talking to my mother or my siblings. This makes it much easier to understand.”

Thank you for your generous gifts that have helped God’s Word come alive for 70,000 Mwimbi Muthambi speakers in eastern Kenya.

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