2022 Impact Report | Where is that peace we crave?

“Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” —Matthew 28:20

“Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” —Matthew 28:20

When war destroys communities, homes, and lives and forces millions to flee with nothing but what they can carry?

When disease stalks the world without remorse, and we are under threat, suffering, and grieving?

When confrontation and controversy undermine our communities, and we see friendships and families crack under the pressure?

When our hearts and minds are under siege from the challenges of life, and doubt, confusion, and anxiety threaten to capsize us?

IN TODAY’S WORLD, speaking of peace sounds absurd—until you encounter the great spiritual mystery through which we experience God’s peace, whatever life brings.

We are not promised freedom from conflict, struggle, or loss, nor pain, injustice, or death. Our spirits may be terrorized, our hearts broken, our bodies crushed.

But peace remains God’s gift to us.

We find peace in the revelation that God is redeeming all of creation, and we too will be redeemed.

We find peace by seeing Christ’s footprints ahead of us on even the most difficult journeys.

And we find peace by hearing God speak to us, saying “you are not alone—and you never will be.”

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