2022 Impact Report | Breaking Down Physical Barriers

When neglected groups need help hearing God speak, the Canadian Bible Society and partners around the world respond.

In 2021, thousands for whom God might have seemed silent, were helped through your gifts. Although COVID slowed progress, day by day more people who are visually or hearing-impaired gain access to the tools they need to encounter God’s Word.

Braille Bibles and Literacy in Uganda

Distribution is backed up by literacy classes for people with visual disabilities, radio programs, and clubs and camps for children who are visually impaired. Initiatives include training facilitators, trauma healing groups, advocacy for the rights and protection of people with visual disabilities, particularly children, and distribution to remote communities.

“Today I am finally reading Bible verses in my mother tongue of Acholi, and moreover in Braille, on a piece of paper. Before this year ends, God willing, it is our cry, our prayer, that we shall have the full Braille Bible in Acholi!”

~ Ms. Apoko Collins, a teacher at the blind section of Gulu Primary School in Uganda.


In the last seven years the Bible Society of Uganda has directly served 48,000 people with visual disabilities. They in turn engage thousands more with what they have learned and the resources they have received.


Translation of the Braille Bible from English to Runyankore Rukiga and Acholi is in progress and nearing completion.

Sign Language Translation in Lithuania, Cuba, Russia

Your gifts support studio costs and equipment needed for recording, editing and producing visual tools, as well as the key elements of any translation—translation teams, Biblical study, technology, testing with interpreters and among adults and children from the community of people with hearing impairments. In Cuba and Lithuania, the focus of 2021 was the Gospel of Luke while in Russian Sign Language, the team was devoted to the Gospel of Mark.


As of August 2021, Russian Sign Language videos of Mark chapters 1-10 had been viewed over 10,000 times on YouTube.


Videos produced as part of The Gospel in Cuban Sign Language have been used in more than 60 ministries in Cuba.

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