God’s Love in Heartache

Young people are often troubled for a variety of reasons. It may be difficult situations at home or at school, or a lack of understanding from their friends or peers. Whatever the situation, the Word of God can be a comfort to them in their heartache and hardships.Many youth outreach services and camps use CBS Bibles in their ministries. Of the 10,800 camp Bibles distributed by the Canadian Bible Society in 2022, 180 Bibles were provided to Eagle Bay Camp in British Columbia.We received a testimony from Chett Fitchett, Assistant Director, Eagle Bay Camp.

“On the very first day of camp, our radar went up on a young camper. This camper was prone to bullying. Throughout the week we met with this young man for disciplinary reasons. He was now on his second of three strikes before we had to send him home.

On day 5, his behaviour changed from hostile to sad. When his cabin leader asked him what was wrong, he shared that tomorrow was his birthday, which seemed like an occasion for celebration, not sadness. But tomorrow was not only this young man’s birthday, but it was also the anniversary of the day he entered foster care.

Now we understood both why he was so sad and why he had been so edgy in the days before. Our hearts were broken for him.

Up to this point in the week the camper had not shown much interest in talking about God, but interestingly he asked for a Bible that day.

His cabin leader gave him one.

During one of our evening activities, the cabin leader noticed that the camper was not present. Knowing the weight of what the camper was feeling, he went to check on him. He found him in his cabin reading the Bible. Throughout the rest of the week, this camper continued to read his Bible and through conversations with his cabin leader, his attitude softened.

On a day of heartache and family breakdown for this young camper, we were so glad that this young man experienced a rich camp fellowship and the love of his heavenly Father.

Thank you for your generosity in providing Bibles for our summer camp.”

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed” (Psalm 34:18)

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