From Shame and Trauma to Hope and Light

CBS recently partnered with the Halifax Community Chaplaincy Society (HCCS), a charity that helps former offenders transition to a life of hope. The resources and funds provided by CBS helped the Chaplaincy bring hope and joy to many women and men.

HCCS supports women and men affected by trauma, isolation, grief, loss, addiction, and shame and handholds them into hope and light. Volunteers journey with them as they find healing by meeting weekly, praying and going to church together and accessing community resources.


Halifax Community Chaplaincy Society

Hope for Glenn

“Glenn came to HCCS after being in and out of prison for a decade. He has learning disabilities, social anxiety and walks with a limp. Under his anxious eyes is a depth of vulnerability and care that even the years of rejection cannot hide. He agreed to be part of a small, hand-picked group of people to journey with him.

We start the group with a prayer and talk about what it means to belong to each other and to God. We talk about his past, and fears and what it means to have hope and how human it is to have doubts. We share what it means to be made in the image of God, what it means to be stewards of our suffering, what it means to give and receive forgiveness, what it means to share each other’s burdens, what it means to have people to belong to, believe in us and celebrate our successes.

When I showed him some CBS resources, he picked the “Treasures from the Bible.” He said it reminded him of his mom (the person he best felt loved by) and the verses she would read to him. He is moving into his own apartment soon and said he’s going to keep his verses on his table too.”

Hope for David

“Though David has significant health problems more crippling are his barriers to reintegration. Once after I told him a difficult news, he said “I know you feel horrible about what you had to tell me, but before you go to sleep tonight I needed you to know I am going to be ok because we prayed, and God is with me and he is with you- and He’s been with me through all the bad stuff and he will give us both peace. Good night!”

CBS resources that supported the volunteers included the Inspire Justice: 365 Day Devotional on Poverty and Justice and God Understands series.

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