Trauma Healing: Setting People Free

When people hear God speak, wounded hearts are healed, and disrupted lives are restored.

Two women

Deeply distressing and disturbing events are a common part of human experience. Some people can cope, but others are overwhelmed and begin to suffer from debilitating feelings of helplessness and intense fear.

Bible-based Trauma Healing turns down the noise, unlocks the prison of helpless isolation, and provides a path that enables people to embrace a new era of living in God’s love.

CBS is investing in training and resourcing people who will lead trauma healing groups. Especially important, we are training people who can train others, thereby multiplying the knowledge and skills further into the community and across the country.

In 2020 we focused on revising the curriculum, planning, budgeting, and setting up the program management, and piloted our recruitment and training process.

We emerged with 50 Apprentice Trainers ready to help others find relief from trauma, despite COVID restrictions and limited staff.

We are continuing to recruit and train Bible-based Trauma Healing Facilitators across Canada. In addition, we are canvassing existing and potential partners to find those who are committed to trauma healing. This will ensure that Bible-based Trauma Healing Groups are being held for people who need them, year in and year out.

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