2022 Impact Report | Emergency Response to Youth at Risk

The needs of youth at risk called for an emergency response during COVID. Gifts from CBS donors were used in 37 locations serving youth at risk across Canada. About half of the gifts were Bible-based resources and the other half emergency operating grants.

In 2021, COVID isolation and disruption grew deeper. Lockdowns and school closures made it hard for at-risk youth to escape abusive or chaotic home situations. In rapidly rising numbers, they turned to youth ministries and centres.

Workers noted a steep rise in the incidences of depression and drug use, and in suicide and suicidal ideas and impulses. More youth became homeless and vulnerable to all the risks of life on the street, including sex trafficking.

CBS provided a critical one-time financial boost to help programs avoid closing their doors and gave Bibles and spiritual resources that the leaders identified as vital to their work.

Thank you for making this intervention possible.

Where did your support find youth at risk?

  • Youth homeless shelters
  • Centres serving those victimized by sex trafficking
  • An addiction recovery centre
  • Outreach ministries to Indigenous youth
  • A camp for Indigenous youth
  • A maternity house
  • A pregnancy centre
  • Three churches with specialized youth outreach
  • Local youth organizations (Youth for Christ, Youth Unlimited)
“If God is real, why did my mother kick me out of our house when I was 13?” I needed to take a moment and feel the grief in the question from this tearful young woman. I said I did not know why her mother decided to make that choice. But that I knew God was saddened because he wants her to feel loved and safe. I shared some Scripture about God’s love from one of the Bibles that CBS had given to us. She spent some time reading the Bible before going to sleep. Thank you, CBS for the generous gift. It helps us show the youth the deeper meaning behind the work that we do.”

~ Director of a youth program

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