2022 Impact Report | Gifts of Peace

Within days of Russia’s horrifying invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Bible Society asked us if we would produce a pocket-sized Ukrainian translation of our Words of Comfort Scripture booklet. We agreed instantly.

That may seem to be a surprising priority for people engulfed in war.

Yet a crisis generates an intense desire to hear God speak. Our Ukrainian colleagues know that God’s voice instills courage, inspires compassion, and comforts our hearts. Hearing the promises of God moves our soul searching from “Why me?” and “How do I escape?” to “WHO is my salvation? How do I live in HIM?”

Receiving God’s peace does not mean we accept evil. Instead, we pray and work for peace, called by the words of Jesus: “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.” His presence in us compels us to pursue reconciliation, fight injustice, care for the suffering, and build pathways to better lives.

Those all are gifts of peace that you make possible.

You touch the lives of people who are exploited, trafficked, abused, and enslaved. You nurture faith where belief is supressed, and the Church is punished. And you show up where trauma cripples lives, and where youth are adrift and at risk.

Because you give, people hear God’s voice in their darkest moments. God’s Word brings them peace, a gift like no other.

Thank you, profoundly, for making possible those gifts of peace.

Rupen Das

Highlights of your impact in 2021

Because of you…

  • CBS-supported Bible ministry and projects continue in 33 countries.
  • Residents in long-term care homes continue to receive gifts of peace.
  • People wrestling with trauma continue to find healing.
  • Several ministries deeply engage youth at risk during COVID.
  • New resources in Indigenous languages are published.
  • Bible translation hits new milestones in 90 languages.
  • People craving God’s voice around the world hear Him speak.
  • A new Bible-based 12-step addiction recovery program for Canadian churches and groups in development.
  • 30 sister Bible Societies that would have closed during COVID without help are still active in Bible work.

Download the 2022 Impact Report to learn more.

Thank you for choosing the Canadian Bible Society as the channel for your ministry!

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